Essay About George Washington: The First President He had the problems with his teethes during his whole life. He lost his first teeth at the age of 22 and when he became Also, he The Mentality of George Washington George Washington was a heroic man who would do anything to fight for his country. He would do anything to keep it peaceful. Although, this gave george washington is the most influential person from the american revolutionary era because he led the colonist to a victory in the revolutionary war against the british which is the most
George Washington Essays
George Washington is regarded as the father of the nation; United States of America because essay about george washington was involved in the founding of the country. He was the commander-in-chief and the leader of the colonial military army for the period of the American Revolution. He went on to become the first president of the United States of America during the period between and Washington was born essay about george washington in a humble family of a successful planter and a slaveholder, Augustine Washington and grew up in the colonial city of Virginia.
Washington led a career in land surveying from the age of seventeen years after successfully completing his education. His father was a leader in the military that made his son Washington easily recruited in the army and was immediately promoted to the leadership role of the Virginia militia during the French-Indian war. Due to the experience, essay about george washington, he got while serving in the continental congress he was again appointed to command the army during the American revolutionary war.
Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. Washington had brother referred to as Lawrence who they used to travel most of the time and who had married from a famous person within Virginia. After returning from a certain visit, Lawrence died leaving behind Washington to inherit his Mount Vernon that he owned till his death. In his fourteen years, George Washington really wanted to join the royal army but his mother refused the idea. His education is not clearly known but several sources contend that he spend some eight years of school in around.
They jeered and condemned for not having children prompting the two to move away but still in Mount Vernon, essay about george washington Alexandria. The wife embarked seriously on the plantation work because they moved away from the frustrating public, essay about george washington. George Washington led the colonial army against the British mercenaries during the American Revolution and he led them to a successful conquest. This made him a famous personality in the United States. He was voted as the president of the United States convention that was writinghe was elected leader of the convention that drafted the U. InWashington was elected by a majority of the Electoral College as the first president of the United States.
As the founding father of the nation, he realized the need for building a strong foundation essay about george washington on stability, integrity and national purpose. He retired from the presidency after serving his two constitutional terms and died three years later at his Virginia farm located at Mount Vernon. One notable thing about his death was that before dying, essay about george washington, he used to own slaves but before his demise, he wrote a while directing for their freedom after passing away of his wife, essay about george washington.
Until the s, essay about george washington, Washington had learned the primary effects of increasing taxes charged by the British who had colonized America. He noted and advanced for the end of these inequalities and for the American people to be granted their rights. With Washington serving in the continental congress, he rose up the ladder to the position of a general at the American Revolution. He worked tirelessly and was recognized as to be having good commanding skills than military strategist. The better general skills were noticed through his capability of keeping the army unified even during its turbulent periods. Despite his troops being poorly trained and lacked essentials for combat such as food, water, essay about george washington, and shoes, essay about george washington, Washington guided them through motivational words that kept them going Cunliffe, During the eight years of war, the British colonialist were winning most of the battles to the detriment of Washington led side.
In fact, they won a few battles and when in October received reinforcements from the French who were rivals to the British, they captured the colonialist troops at a place in Virginia known as Yorktown. This culminated the American Revolution and his commander declared essay about george washington hero in the country. After the signing of the peace treaty between Britain and America, Washington relinquished his commanding position at the army and left for his Mount Vernon to lead a normal life he used to do back before becoming an army officer.
He was called afterward to attend a constitutional convention that at Philadelphia in Washington agreed to their request and when he got into the conference he was appointed the leader of the group drafting the constitution. With exemplary work performances, those convening the meetings were astonished by his brilliance and noted that no other American citizen was qualified more than Washington to be able to take up as the president of United States of America. There was a widespread strong opinion across the country for George Washington to take up the role as the president, a request he had been rescinding for a while.
However, the general public mood coerced him into submission. With John Adams who was later appointed as the vice president of the country. Washington was sworn in as the president in April the same year at the city of New York because the current capital was yet to be established. At the time of his presidency, Washington did not favor any of the political establishments but instead remained impartial even to their development. Furthermore, he notes that the presence of these parties would alter the operations of the essay about george washington system; therefore it was better not to have them.
This came at the backdrop of a growing rift between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton who were differing on how to develop the country. The Hamilton agenda was supported by Washington, thereby showing how he had started taking sides on issues of national importance. During the time of Washington as the president, there were only eleven states in the USA with only a population of four million people. He did not a precedent to look after and benchmark their performances with his; therefore he was tasked with laying the foundation stone of USA. In his foreign interactions with actors in essay about george washington international system, he acknowledged the power of cordial relations and sometimes stayed away from interventions outside that could harm her reputation.
At the office he appointed two chief persons amongst his group of secretaries of the state. The two were Thomas Jefferson who acted as the secretary of the state and Alexander Hamilton who was in charge of the treasury. The two members of his cabinet disagreed greatly alongside differences emanating from the duties that were performed by the federal government. The second term was a walkover for Washington with an election of and John Adams was also elected as the vice president Washington, He took over after the retirement of George Washington. Washington retired finally after serving the nation for two terms and declined essay about george washington demands for him to contest for the presidency in the third term in In his final address to the nation he urged his predecessors essay about george washington the state to always maintain a higher level of standards and to keep external involvement at its minimum.
The farewell speech is read in the USA senate to remember the birthday of Washington. After vacating office he resumed his earlier duties at the plantation at Mount Vernon. He would later die from an infection he got after being rained essay about george washington while inspecting the progress of his vast farm in December of aged 67 Washington, His remain remained were entombed at Mount Vernon where it was recognized as a national historic site in He left behind a strong legacy like his face appearing in the American dollar together with several roads, schools, the capital city and other towns referred by his name. In conclusion about the essay, essay about george washington, I have discussed the various roles George Washington played as the father of the United States of America.
Top on the list was being a commander-in-chief of the colonial army, being the president of the convention drafting the USA Constitution and finally, he was the first president of the United States of America. He really fits the honor and privileges his name commands across the country. For any subject. How it works. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Contents 1 The American Revolution 2 Life as President 3 Retirement 4 Work Cited.
George Washington Quotes - Perseverance and spirit have done wonders.
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Essay About George Washington: The First President He had the problems with his teethes during his whole life. He lost his first teeth at the age of 22 and when he became Also, he Essays on George Washington His Excellency George washing had leadership skills that helped him to have so many victories. This included the American revolutionary way and many George Washington is regarded as the father of the nation; United States of America because he was involved in the founding of the country. He was the commander-in-chief and the leader
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